Toddler Room

Toddler Room imageIn the First Years Academy toddler room, creating an environment to nurture learning and support growth is vital. Our classroom community approaches your child’s needs through positive speaking, talking on their level, and including activities that promote their development and exploration.

Nap Time

Each toddler is assigned a cot for nap time, and it is used exclusively by that child. However, we ask that the parents provide a blanket for their cot. Optionally, a pillow or stuffed animal is encouraged. All items are to be brought home and washed at the end of each week.

Restroom Breaks

Every two hours, we take a restroom break. However, if restrooms are needed outside that time, accommodations will be made immediately. During enrollment, we will discuss potty training to ensure your child’s goals and needs are being met.

Special Activities for Toddlers

Children participate in a multitude of daily activities in the toddler room. This includes outside time, large motor time, cooking, science, story time, art, circle time, and song time. Also, older toddlers can enjoy short walks outside if the weather is cooperating. Conveniently, we provide a weekly lesson plan as well as updates to the parents. This combination of activities is all important to your child’s development.

We offer a vast selection of toys and other manipulatives in our toddler room. There are a wide variety, and they are all age-appropriate. Some examples of the provided items include blocks, puzzles, small-motor activities, and lacing toys. Additionally, we provide a quiet place with silent items such as books, dolls, and stuffed animals. Lastly, we incorporate the gym space for large-motor development through a variety of activities and games, including balls, a jumper, tunnels, and more.

Discipline in the Toddler Room

Teaching good behavior through example is our goal at First Years Academy. As your child develops, the people around them instruct them how to behave. Therefore, we incorporate a multi-tiered discipline structure with the goal of teaching the children how to interact with those around them properly. First, an attempt is made to redirect the child or provide an alternate choice. If the problem is not fully addressed, we give warnings. If warnings are not effective, a timeout will occur, which is two minutes or less in length in a quiet area away from potential conflict.

After the timeout, the child is redirected to a constructive activity. If frequent timeouts are needed, parents will be needed, and individual behavior plans may be developed for the child if he/she has a persistent behavior problem. However, this step will be taken after discussion with the parents, teachers, and center director.

Toddler Room Necessities

We ask that you bring any necessary supplies on your child’s first day. For example, diapers/pull-ups, diaper ointment, sun block, a blanket, outside shoes, and extra clothes that are weather and season appropriate.