Preschool Rooms

Preschool Room imageOur preschool rooms are setup for children to freely move from one activity to another at their own pace. The objective here is to explore social skills and gain independence. We incorporate a variety of principles into our table activities.

Our two preschool rooms are separated by age. We have a room for 3 year olds and a room for 4 year olds. We include science experiments to encourage the learning of new concepts, arts and crafts to bolster creativity, and cooking to teach essential basic life skills. Additionally, we offer math instruction, creative movement, science activities, computer time, blocks, dramatic play, and sensory play.

Language and Literacy in our Preschool Rooms

At a preschool level, we first teach children that words are made up of a combination of different sounds. As they begin to understand this concept completely, it will aide them in early reading success. We teach them about the relationships between the different letters and their sounds. Furthermore, we demonstrate how those sounds are blended into words, as well as building the foundation for writing skills. Lastly, we show them how to use what they’ve learned to convey meaning.


It’s important to introduce mathematics at a young age. We begin by teaching children about numbers, starting with basic concepts. One-to-one correspondence, patterns and functions, operations of mathematics, sorting and lacing, as well as practicing writing numbers are all key parts of our approach. By exposing them to math early, it can create a ripple effect into all areas of their academic growth.

Social Studies

When children learn about the world around them, it demonstrates how they fit into the grand scheme. Through our social studies curriculum, we teach the basics of how they into their various areas of life. These areas include families, local communities, and the world. Essentially, we demonstrate this through a variety of means such as holidays across cultures. Additionally, introducing foreign languages and exploring their various contributions to their families and local community is a factor.

*We post daily schedule outside of our preschool rooms.