Our school-age room provides before and after school programs for our older attendees. Additionally, we offer no-school days and summer care programs. Here’s some information about our curriculum.
Before School Program
Our before school program focuses on productive activities such as reading to jumpstart their minds. They are provided with a healthy, balanced, breakfast and given assistance organizing their materials for the upcoming school day.
After School Program
Our after school program begins with an energizing healthy snack. Next, children will play outside to gain focus and get some healthy activity. Afterwards, they will be given time to do their homework with adults to help guide them. Once the homework is complete, the children are encouraged to lay an d explore a variety of activities such as cooking, games, and craft projects. “No-School Day” programs are also offered during winter and spring breaks.
How Busing Works
Busing is provided for children within the district. Each child receives a cubby to stow his/her personal items, and we ask that parents check the cubbies daily for work or other notes from the teacher. Naptime is from about 1:30 to 2:40pm. If a child is unable to sleep, he/she may participate in quiet activities. During summer, children are given the option between lying down and participating in a quiet activity.
Other Important Details
Proper attire is a must, especially in Minnesota! Children go outside at least twice per day, and spills or accidents can happen. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather, and include an extra set of clothing, just in case.
Academics in Our School-Age Room
The end of the school day does not mark the end of your child’s academics. They are constantly learning, and we utilize that in our school-age room. We provide a room full of activity areas for all children; including sensory, quiet activities, play time, story time, reading practice, motor skills, writing practice, art, and music. All of our toys and books are age-appropriate, and children enjoy utilizing our board games, flashcards, and building blocks to learn about new and exciting concepts. We encourage getting out in the fresh air with walks around the center to take in new experiences.
Summer Program
During the summer months, we focus on journaling, reading fundamentals, and play games designed for learning. We integrate many experiences into our summer program. Some of the highlights include field trips, outdoor classrooms, water days, and walks!